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Poor market conditions, rumors that silicon wafer fabs agreed to delay customer shipments

According to the "Economic Daily News" reported that the logic IC de-stocking and storage manufacturers a large number of production cuts resulting in weakening demand for silicon wafers, silicon wafer fabs are rumored to have begun to agree with customers to delay the pull, the previous attitude of holding fast to the offer has also changed, some manufacturers loose mouth willing to cooperate with market conditions and customers to negotiate prices, said "I'm afraid the first half of next year will be a little tougher ".

The recession in the semiconductor industry in the foundry reflected in the capacity utilization rate decline, storage plants have been reducing capital expenditure and production cuts for the winter, IC design houses are actively de-stocking and reduce the amount of investment, even at the expense of paying a breach of contract to cancel the foundry long contract, but the previous performance of the silicon foundry is still relatively supportive, and now it is rumored that the silicon foundry agreed to delay the customer pull, highlighting that the market situation is even more critical.

It is understood that a few customers in Taiwan, China, silicon wafer factory agreed to delay shipments, the schedule delayed about one or two months; another silicon wafer factory is to negotiate with customers, from the first quarter of next year can be slightly delayed pull; a silicon wafer factory business said that the semiconductor market is really bad now, the inventory level of long-term contract customers has been increasing, the current silicon wafer shipping conditions actually do not match the actual market demand.

Previously rumored that TSMC to the supply chain cut orders, Global Crystal pointed out that "the order has a long contract protection and no customer default", is expected to 8-inch and 12-inch silicon wafer capacity utilization rate to maintain strong.

TSMC said that this year will still be full production and full sales, looking ahead to next year, customers continue to comply with the long-term contract, the company will cooperate with customers, flexible adjustment of product mix.

Wafer Works pointed out that the next negotiation with customers in the first half of next year prices will be adjusted according to market conditions.


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